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Battlefield 5

For Battlefield 5, we currently offer message templates based on the following sources:

  • Gametools/stats: Overall player stats, including statistics per weapon and vehicle

You can find more info about sources here.

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Stats source#

The stats source is available at

Supported platforms Supported types Identifiers
pc xboxone ps4 players {{playerId}}:{{playerName}}

This source can automatically determine a player's id if only a playerName was given. In order to use this feature, provide only the player's name as the identifiers parameter. You should, however, provide the playerId if you can, since determining the id requires us to make an extra API call, resulting a slightly delayed reponse.

You can find details on how to find your player id below.


General statistics#

Template name Content
_link You can find a more detailed overview of {{{name}}}'s stats here: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} has an overall accuracy of {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} played {{game}} for a total of {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} has an overall k/d ratio of {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} killed {{value}} enemies
rank {{{name}}}'s current rank is: {{value.rankLabel}} ({{value.rank}})
summary-short-a {{{name}}}'s BFV stats: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m played, {{value.killDeath}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% accuracy, {{value.headshotRatio}}% headshots
Template name Content
_link Eine detailliertere Übersicht über {{{name}}}s Statistiken findest Du hier: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}}s Treffsicherheit liegt insgesamt bei {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} hat insgesamt {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m lang {{game}} gespielt
kd {{{name}}} hat insgesamt eine k/d von {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} hat {{value}} Gegner getötet
rank {{{name}}}s aktueller Rang ist: {{value.rankLabel}} ({{value.rank}})
summary-short-a {{{name}}}s BFV-Statistiken: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m gespielt, {{value.killDeath}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% Genauigkeit, {{value.headshotRatio}}% Kopfschüsse
Template name Content
_link Puedes encontrar una descripción más detallada de las estadísticas de {{{name}}} aquí: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} tiene una precisión global de {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} jugado {{game}} durante un total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} tiene una relación k/d global de {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} muertos {{value}} enemigos
rank El rango actual de {{{name}}} es: {{value.rankLabel}} ({{value.rank}})
summary-short-a Estadísticas BFV de {{{name}}}: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m jugadas, {{value.killDeath}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% de precisión, {{value.headshotRatio}}% de disparos a la cabeza
Template name Content
_link Vous trouverez ici un aperçu plus détaillé des statistiques de {{{name}}}: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} a une précision globale de {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} joué {{game}} pour un total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} a un rapport k/d global de {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} tué {{value}} ennemis
rank Le rang actuel de {{{name}}} est: {{value.rankLabel}} ({{value.rank}})
summary-short-a Statistiques BFV de {{{name}}}: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m jouées, {{value.killDeath}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% de précision, {{value.headshotRatio}}% de headshots
Template name Content
_link Puoi trovare una panoramica più dettagliata delle statistiche di {{{name}}} qui: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} ha una precisione complessiva di {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} ha giocato {{game}} per un totale di {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} ha un rapporto k/d complessivo di {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} uccisi {{value}} nemici
rank {{{name}}}s rango attuale è: {{value.rankLabel}} ({{value.rank}})
summary-short-a Statistiche BFV di {{{name}}}: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m giocato, {{value.killDeath}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% accuratezza, {{value.headshotRatio}}% colpi alla testa
Template name Content
_link Você pode encontrar uma visão geral mais detalhada das estatísticas de {{{name}}} aqui: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} tem uma precisão geral de {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} jogou {{game}} por um total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} tem uma relação k/d geral de {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} matou {{value}} inimigos
rank A classificação atual do {{{name}}} é: {{value.rankLabel}} ({{value.rank}})
summary-short-a Estatísticas BFV de {{{name}}}: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m jogadas, {{value.killDeath}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% precisão, {{value.headshotRatio}}% headshots

Weapon statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable weapons below.

Template name Content
weapon-summary Using the {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} enemies with {{value.accuracy}}% accuracy ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}}% headshots)
Template name Content
weapon-summary {{{name}}} hat mit der {{{label}}} insgesamt {{value.kills}} Gegner mit einer Treffgenauigkeit von {{value.accuracy}}% eleminiert ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}}% Kopfschüsse)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando el {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} enemigos con {{value.accuracy}}% de precisión ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}} tiros a la cabeza)
Template name Content
weapon-summary En utilisant les {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} tués {{value.kills}} ennemis avec {{value.accuracy}} % de précision ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}} coups de tête)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando i {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} uccisi {{value.kills}} nemici con {{value.accuracy}}% di accuratezza ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}} colpi alla testa)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} inimigos com {{value.accuracy}}% de precisão ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}} headshots)

Weapon category statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable weapon categories below.

Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary Using {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} hostiles with {{value.accuracy}}% accuracy ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}}% headshots)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary {{{name}}} hat mit {{{label}}} {{value.kills}} Gegner mit einer Treffgenauigkeit von {{value.accuracy}}% eliminiert ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}}% Kopfschüsse)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary Usando el {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} enemigos con {{value.accuracy}}% de precisión ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}} tiros a la cabeza)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary En utilisant {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} tué {{value.kills}} hostiles avec {{value.accuracy}} % de précision ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}} coups de tête)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary Usando {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} uccisi {{value.kills}} ostili con {{value.accuracy}}% di accuratezza ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}} colpi alla testa)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary Usando {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} hostis com {{value.accuracy}}% precisão ({{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.headshotRatio}} headshots)

Vehicle statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable vehicles below.

Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} enemies with the {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m in vehicle)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} hat mit dem {{{label}}} insgesamt {{value.kills}} Gegner ausgeschaltet ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m im Fahrzeug)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} enemigos con {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m en el vehículo)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} tué {{value.kills}} ennemis avec les {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m dans le véhicule)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} ha ucciso {{value.kills}} nemici con {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m in veicolo)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} inimigos com {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m no veículo)

Vehicle category statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable vehicle categories below.

Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} hostiles with {{{label}}} in {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m total
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} hat mit {{{label}}} in {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m insgesamt {{value.kills}} Gegner ausgeschaltet
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} hostiles con {{{label}}} en {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m totales
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} tué {{value.kills}} hostiles avec {{{label}}} en {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m au total
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} ha ucciso {{value.kills}} nemici con {{{label}}} in {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m totali
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} hostis com {{{label}}} em {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m no total


The following object types and objects are available for the stats source generic templates.


This list contains all available objects of the weapon type.

URL Slug Message label
12g-automatic 12g Automatic
ag-m-42 Ag m/42
anti-tank-bundle-grenade Anti-Tank Bundle Grenade
ap-mine AP Mine
arditi-dagger Arditi Dagger
at-grenade-pistol AT Grenade Pistol
at-mine AT Mine
bar-m1918a2 BAR M1918A2
barbed-baseball-bat Barbed Baseball Bat
bolo-guna Bolo-Guna
bone-saw Bone Saw
boys-at-rifle Boys AT Rifle
breda-m1935-pg Breda M1935 PG
bren-gun Bren Gun
british-army-jack-knife British Army Jack Knife
broken-bottle Broken Bottle
burned-plank Burned Plank
chauchat Chauchat
club Club
combat-knife Combat Knife
commando-carbine Commando Carbine
commando-machete Commando Machete
control-stick Control Stick
coupe-coupe Coupe Coupe
cricket-bat Cricket Bat
demolition-grenade Demolition Grenade
doppel-schuss Doppel-Schuss
egw-survival-knife EGW Survival Knife
emp EMP
escape-axe Escape Axe
fallschirmjager-switchblade Fallschirmjäger Switchblade
fg-42 FG-42
fire-axe Fire Axe
firecrackers Firecrackers
flare-gun Flare Gun
fliegerfaust Fliegerfaust
frag-grenade Frag Grenade
frag-grenade-rifle Frag Grenade Rifle
german-naval-dagger German Naval Dagger
gewehr-1-5 Gewehr 1-5
gewehr-43 Gewehr 43
gewehr-m95-30 Gewehr M95/30
golden-eagle Golden Eagle
hachiwari Hachiwari
hatchet Hatchet
ilses-pickaxe Ilse's Pickaxe
impact-grenade Impact Grenade
incendiary-grenade Incendiary Grenade
jungle-carbine Jungle Carbine
k31-43 K31/43
k98-bayonet K98 Bayonet
kampfpistole Kampfpistole
kar98k Kar98k
karabin-1938m Karabin 1938M
katana Katana
ke7 KE7
knuckle-duster Knuckle Duster
krag-jorgensen Krag-Jørgensen
kukri Kukri
lee-enfield-no4-mk-i Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I
lever-pipe Lever Pipe
lewis-gun Lewis Gun
liberator Liberator
lion-head-sword Lion Head Sword
ls-26 LS/26
lunge-mine Lunge Mine
m1-garand M1 Garand
m1897 M1897
m1907-sf M1907 SF
m1911 M1911
m1911-suppressed M1911 Suppressed
m1919a6 M1919A6
m1922-mg M1922 MG
m1928a1 M1928A1
m1941-johnson M1941 Johnson
m1a1-bazooka M1A1 Bazooka
m1a1-carbine M1A1 Carbine
m2-carbine M2 Carbine
m2-flamethrower M2 Flamethrower
m28-con-tromboncino M28 con Tromboncino
m3-grease-gun M3 Grease Gun
m3-infrared M3 Infrared
m30-drilling M30 Drilling
mab-38 MAB 38
madsen-mg Madsen MG
mas-44 MAS 44
mg-34 MG 34
mg-42 MG 42
mk-vi-revolver Mk VI Revolver
mkiii-s-elite-combat-dagger MKIII(S) Elite Combat Dagger
model-27 Model 27
model-37 Model 37
model-8 Model 8
mp28 MP28
mp34 MP34
mp40 MP40
p08-carbine P08 Carbine
p08-pistol P08 Pistol
p38-pistol P38 Pistol
panzerbuchse-39 Panzerbüchse 39
panzerfaust Panzerfaust
piat PIAT
pickaxe Pickaxe
pistol-flamethrower Pistol Flamethrower
poignard Poignard
ppk PPK
ppks PPKS
repetierpistole-m1912 Repetierpistole M1912
ribeyrolles-1918 Ribeyrolles 1918
rmn50-rifle-frag RMN50 Rifle Frag
ross-rifle-mk-iii Ross Rifle Mk III
rsc RSC
ruby Ruby
s2-200 S2-200
sai Sai
scout-knife-m1916 Scout Knife M1916
selbstlader-1906 Selbstlader 1906
selbstlader-1916 Selbstlader 1916
shaped-charge Shaped Charge
shovel Shovel
sjogren-shotgun Sjögren Shotgun
solveigs-knife Solveig's Knife
sten STEN
stg-44 StG 44
sticky-dynamite Sticky Dynamite
sticky-grenade Sticky Grenade
sturmgewehr-1-5 Sturmgewehr 1-5
suomi-kp--31 Suomi KP/-31
the-unexpected-gift The Unexpected Gift
throwing-blade Throwing Blade
trench-carbine Trench Carbine
turner-smle Turner SMLE
type-100 Type 100
type-11-lmg Type 11 LMG
type-2a Type 2A
type-94 Type 94
type-97-mg Type 97 MG
type-99-arisaka Type 99 Arisaka
type-99-mine Type 99 Mine
vgo VGO
welgun Welgun
welrod Welrod
zh-29 ZH-29
zk-383 ZK-383

Weapon categories#

This list contains all available objects of the weapon-category type.

URL Slug Message label
anti-materiel-rifles Anti-Materiel Rifles
assault-rifles Assault Rifles
bolt-action-carbines Bolt Action Carbines
bolt-action-rifles Bolt Action Rifles
gadgets Gadgets
lmgs LMGs
melee-weapons Melee Weapons
mmgs MMGs
pistol-carbines Pistol Carbines
self-loading-rifles Self-Loading Rifles
semi-auto-rifles Semi-Auto Rifles
shotguns Shotguns
sidearms Sidearms
smgs SMGs


This list contains all available objects of the vehicle type.

URL Slug Message label
40mm-aa 40mm Bofors AA
6-pounder 6 Pounder
a-20-bomber A-20 Bomber
bf-109-g-2 Bf 109 G-2
bf-109-g-6 Bf 109 G-6
blenheim-mk-if Blenheim Mk IF
blenheim-mki Blenheim Mk I
c-47 C-47
churchill-crocodile Churchill Crocodile
churchill-gun-carrier Churchill Gun Carrier
churchill-mk-vii Churchill Mk VII
corsair-f4u-1a Corsair F4U-1A
corsair-f4u-1c Corsair F4U-1C
dinghy Dinghy
fl-282-kolibri-s Fl 282 Kolibri (S)
flak-38 Flak 38
flakpanzer-iv Flakpanzer IV
gpw GPW
hachi Hachi
ju-88-a Ju-88 A
ju-88-c Ju-88 C
ka-mi Ka-Mi
kettenkrad Kettenkrad
kubelwagen Kübelwagen
lcvp LCVP
lvt LVT
m2-hmg M2 HMG
m3 M3
m8-greyhound M8 Greyhound
mosquito-fb-mkvi Mosquito FB MkVI
mosquito-mkii Mosquito MkII
p-70-night-fighter P-70 Night Fighter
p51d-fighter P51d Fighter
p51k-fighter P51k Fighter
pak-40 Pak 40
panzer-38t Panzer 38T
panzer-iv Panzer IV
pickup-truck Pickup Truck
schwimmwagen Schwimmwagen
sd-kfz-251-halftrack Sd. Kfz 251 Halftrack
sd-kfz-251-pakwagen Sd. Kfz. 251 Pakwagen
sdkfz-234-puma SdKfz 234 Puma
sherman Sherman
spitfire-mk-va Spitfire Mk VA
spitfire-mk-vb Spitfire Mk VB
sports-car Sports Car
staff-car Staff Car
staghound-t17e1 Staghound T17E1
stationary-mg34 Stationary MG34
stuka-b-1 Stuka B-1
stuka-b-2 Stuka B-2
sturmgeschutz-iv Sturmgeschütz IV
sturmtiger Sturmtiger
t34-calliope T34 Calliope
t48-gmc T48 GMC
tiger-i Tiger I
tractor Tractor
type-10 Type 10
type-93-hmg Type 93 HMG
type-95-car Type 95 Car
type-97 Type 97
universal-carrier Universal Carrier
valentine-aa-mk-i Valentine AA Mk I
valentine-archer Valentine Archer
valentine-mk-viii Valentine Mk VIII
vickers Vickers
zero-a6m2 Zero A6M2
zero-a6m5 Zero A6M5

Vehicle categories#

This list contains all available objects of the vehicle-category type.

URL Slug Message label
helicopters Helicopters
planes Planes
stationary-weapons Stationary Weapons
tanks Tanks
transports Transports

Finding your player id#

You can find your player id using "What's my pid?".

Go to Select Battlefield 5, select PC and enter your in-game name. Click "Look it up" and copy the numeric pid you get back.