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Battlefield Hardline

For Battlefield Hardline, we currently offer message templates based on the following sources:

  • Battlelog/stats: Overall player stats, including statistics per weapon and vehicle
  • bflist/live: Live, in-round player stats, focused on the current performance on the battelfield

You can find more info about sources here.

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Stats source#

The stats source is available at

Supported platforms Supported types Identifiers
pc xboxone ps4 players {{playerId}}:{{playerName}}

This source can automatically determine a player's id if only a playerName was given. In order to use this feature, provide only the player's name as the identifiers parameter. You should, however, provide the playerId if you can, since determining the id requires us to make an extra API call, resulting a slightly delayed reponse.

You can find details on how to find your player id below.


General statistics#

Template name Content
_link You can find a more detailed overview of {{{name}}}'s stats here: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} has an overall accuracy of {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} played {{game}} for a total of {{value}} hours
kd {{{name}}} has an overall k/d ratio of {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} killed {{value}} enemies
rank {{{name}}}'s current rank is: {{value}}
summary-short-a {{{name}}}'s BFH stats: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m played, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% accuracy, {{value.headshotRatio}}% headshots
Template name Content
_link Eine detailliertere Übersicht über {{{name}}}s Statistiken findest Du hier: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}}s Treffsicherheit liegt insgesamt bei {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} hat insgesamt {{value}} Stunden lang {{game}} gespielt
kd {{{name}}} hat insgesamt eine k/d von {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} hat {{value}} Gegner getötet
rank {{{name}}}s aktueller Rang ist: {{value}}
summary-short-a {{{name}}}s BFH-Statistiken: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m gespielt, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% Genauigkeit, {{value.headshotRatio}}% Kopfschüsse
Template name Content
_link Puedes encontrar una descripción más detallada de las estadísticas de {{{name}}} aquí: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} tiene una precisión global de {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} jugado {{game}} durante un total de {{value}} horas
kd {{{name}}} tiene una relación k/d global de {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} muertos {{value}} enemigos
rank El rango actual de {{{name}}} es: {{value}}
summary-short-a Estadísticas BFH de {{{name}}}: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m jugadas, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% de precisión, {{value.headshotRatio}}% de disparos a la cabeza
Template name Content
_link Vous trouverez ici un aperçu plus détaillé des statistiques de {{{name}}}: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} a une précision globale de {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} joué {{game}} pour un total de {{value}} heures
kd {{{name}}} a un rapport k/d global de {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} tué {{value}} ennemis
rank Le rang actuel de {{{name}}} est: {{value}}
summary-short-a Statistiques BFH de {{{name}}}: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m jouées, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% de précision, {{value.headshotRatio}}% de headshots
Template name Content
_link Puoi trovare una panoramica più dettagliata delle statistiche di {{{name}}} qui: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} ha una precisione complessiva di {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} ha giocato {{game}} per un totale di {{value}} ore
kd {{{name}}} ha un rapporto k/d complessivo di {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} uccisi {{value}} nemici
rank {{{name}}}s rango attuale è: {{value}}
summary-short-a Statistiche BFH di {{{name}}}: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m giocato, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% accuratezza, {{value.headshotRatio}}% colpi alla testa
Template name Content
_link Você pode encontrar uma visão geral mais detalhada das estatísticas de {{{name}}} aqui: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} tem uma precisão geral de {{value}}%
hours {{{name}}} jogou {{game}} por um total de {{value}} horas
kd {{{name}}} tem uma relação k/d geral de {{value}}
kills {{{name}}} matou {{value}} inimigos
rank {{{name}}} A classificação atual do {{{name}}} é: {{value}}
summary-short-a Estatísticas BFH de {{{name}}}: {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m jogadas, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.scorePerMinute}} SPM, {{value.killsPerMinute}} KPM, {{value.accuracy}}% precisão, {{value.headshotRatio}}% headshots

Weapon statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable weapons below.

Template name Content
weapon-summary Using the {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} enemies with {{value.accuracy}}% accuracy ({{value.shotsFired}} shots fired, {{value.shotsHit}} shots hit, {{value.headshots}} headshots)
Template name Content
weapon-summary {{{name}}} hat mit der {{{label}}} insgesamt {{value.kills}} Gegner mit einer Treffgenauigkeit von {{value.accuracy}}% eliminiert ({{value.shotsFired}} Schüsse abgefeuert, {{value.shotsHit}} Treffer, {{value.headshots}} Kopfschüsse)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando el {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} enemigos con {{value.accuracy}}% de precisión ({{value.shotsFired}} disparos disparados, {{value.shotsHit}} disparos golpeados, {{value.headshots}} tiros a la cabeza)
Template name Content
weapon-summary En utilisant les {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} tués {{value.kills}} ennemis avec {{value.accuracy}} % de précision ({{value.shotsFired}} coups tirés, {{value.shotsHit}} coups de feu, {{value.headshots}} coups de tête)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando i {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} uccisi {{value.kills}} nemici con {{value.accuracy}}% di accuratezza ({{value.shotsFired}} colpi sparati, {{value.shotsHit}} colpi colpiti, {{value.headshots}} colpi alla testa)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} inimigos com {{value.accuracy}}% de precisão ({{value.shotsFired}} tiros disparados, {{value.shotsHit}} tiros acertados, {{value.headshots}} headshots)

Weapon category statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable weapon categories below.

Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary Using {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} hostiles with {{value.accuracy}}% accuracy ({{value.shotsFired}} shots fired, {{value.shotsHit}} shots hit, {{value.headshots}} headshots)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary {{{name}}} hat mit {{{label}}} {{value.kills}} Gegner mit einer Treffgenauigkeit von {{value.accuracy}}% eliminiert ({{value.shotsFired}} Schüsse abgefeuert, {{value.shotsHit}} Treffer, {{value.headshots}} Kopfschüsse)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary Usando {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} hostiles con {{value.accuracy}}% de precisión ({{value.shotsFired}} disparos disparados, {{value.shotsHit}} disparos a la cabeza, {{value.headshots}} disparos a la cabeza)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary En utilisant {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} tué {{value.kills}} hostiles avec {{value.accuracy}} % de précision ({{value.shotsFired}} coups tirés, {{value.shotsHit}} coups de feu, {{value.headshots}} coups de tête)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary Usando {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} uccisi {{value.kills}} ostili con {{value.accuracy}}% di accuratezza ({{value.shotsFired}} colpi sparati, {{value.shotsHit}} colpi colpiti, {{value.headshots}} colpi alla testa)
Template name Content
weapon-cat-summary Usando {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} hostis com {{value.accuracy}}% precisão ({{value.shotsFired}} tiros disparados, {{value.shotsHit}} tiros acertados, {{value.headshots}} headshots)

Vehicle statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable vehicles below.

Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} enemies and destroyed {{value.destroyXinY}} vehicles with the {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m in vehicle)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} hat mit dem {{{label}}} insgesamt {{value.kills}} Gegner ausgeschaltet und {{value.destroyXinY}} Fahrzeuge zerstört ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m im Fahrzeug)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} enemigos y destruyó {{value.destroyXinY}} vehículos con {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m en el vehículo)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} tué {{value.kills}} ennemis et détruit {{value.destroyXinY}} véhicules avec les {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m dans le véhicule)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} ha ucciso {{value.kills}} nemici e distrutto {{value.destroyXinY}} veicoli con {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m in veicolo)
Template name Content
vehicle-summary {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} inimigos e destruiu {{value.destroyXinY}} veículos com {{{label}}} ({{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m no veículo)

Vehicle category statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable vehicle categories below.

Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} hostiles and destroyed {{value.destroyXinY}} vehicles with {{{label}}} in {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m total
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} hat mit {{{label}}} in {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m insgesamt {{value.kills}} Gegner ausgeschaltet und {{value.destroyXinY}} Fahrzeuge zerstört
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} hostiles y destruyó {{value.destroyXinY}} vehículos con {{{label}}} en {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m totales
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} tué {{value.kills}} hostiles et détruit {{value.destroyXinY}} véhicules avec {{{label}}} en {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m au total
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} ha ucciso {{value.kills}} nemici e distrutto {{value.destroyXinY}} veicoli con {{{label}}} in {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m totali
Template name Content
vehicle-cat-summary {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} hostis e destruiu {{value.destroyXinY}} veículos com {{{label}}} em {{value.hoursIn}}h {{value.minutesIn}}m no total


The following object types and objects are available for the stats source generic templates.


This list contains all available objects of the weapon type.

URL Slug Message label
1887 1887
300-knockout .300 Knockout
357-rs .357 RS
37-stakeout 37 Stakeout
38-snub .38 Snub
388-recon 388-Recon
40-pro .40 Pro
410-jury .410 Jury
44-magnum .44 Magnum
45t 45T
870p-magnum 870P Magnum
92fs 92FS
93r 93R
a-8s A 8S
acb-90 Acb-90
acwr ACWR
akm AKM
aks-74u AKS-74U
arm ARM
aug-a3 AUG A3
aug-para AUG Para
awm AWM
aws AWS
bald-eagle Bald Eagle
ballistic-shield Ballistic Shield
baseball-bat Baseball Bat
blackjack Blackjack
boot Boot
bowie Bowie
breaching-charge Breaching Charge
breaching-hammer Breaching Hammer
camera Camera
car-556 CAR-556
carbon-fiber Carbon Fiber
cleaver Cleaver
collapsible-baton Collapsible Baton
crowbar Crowbar
cz-75 CZ-75
decoy Decoy
defibrillator Defibrillator
devil-s-toothpick Devil'S Toothpick
double-barrel-shotgun Double-Barrel Shotgun
dual-vz-61 Dual VZ. 61
f2000 F2000
fal FAL
famas FAMAS
fire-axe Fire Axe
fmg9 FMG9
fn57 FN57
g17 G17
g17-race-pistol G17 Race Pistol
g18c G18C
g36c G36C
gas-grenade Gas Grenade
gold-baton Gold Baton
gold-boot Gold Boot
gold-crowbar Gold Crowbar
gold-fire-axe Gold Fire Axe
gold-golf-club Gold Golf Club
gold-hammer Gold Hammer
gold-knife Gold Knife
gold-lead-pipe Gold Lead Pipe
gold-machete Gold Machete
gold-scout Gold Scout
gold-seal Gold Seal
gold-shovel Gold Shovel
gold-sledge-hammer Gold Sledge Hammer
gold-survival Gold Survival
gold-trench Gold Trench
golf-club Golf Club
grappling-hook Grappling Hook
hcar HCAR
hk51 HK51
improvised-gun Improvised Gun
incendiary-device Incendiary Device
inquisition-sword Inquisition Sword
inquisition-sword-gold Inquisition Sword Gold
inquisition-sword-red Inquisition Sword Red
k10 K10
karambit Karambit
knife Knife
ksg12 KSG12
l85a2 L85A2
laser-tripmine Laser Tripmine
lead-pipe Lead Pipe
m-45 M/45
m1 M1
m110k5 M110K5
m12s M12S
m16a3 M16A3
m1903 M1903
m1911a1 M1911A1
m1a1 M1A1
m320-cs-gas M320 Cs Gas
m320-he M320 He
m39-emr M39 EMR
m4 M4
m416 M416
m5-navy M5 Navy
m5sd M5SD
m67-frag M67 Frag
m79 M79
m79-cs-gas M79 Cs Gas
m82-416 M82 .416
m98b M98B
mac-10 MAC-10
machete Machete
mammoth-gun Mammoth Gun
mdc MDC
molotov Molotov
mp5k MP5K
mp7 MP7
mp9 MP9
mpx MPX
mx4 MX4
nightstick Nightstick
p226 P226
p90 P90
police-baton Police Baton
ptr-91 PTR-91
r700-ltr R700 LTR
repair-tool Repair Tool
revive Revive
ro933 RO933
ro933-300-blk RO933 .300 BLK
ro933-m1 RO933 M1
rpk RPK
rpk-74 RPK-74
sa-58-osw SA-58 OSW
sabotage Sabotage
saiga-12 Saiga 12
saiga-308 Saiga .308
sar-21 SAR-21
scar-h SCAR-H
scorpion Scorpion
scout Scout
scout-elite Scout Elite
seal Seal
sg510 SG510
sg553 SG553
shank Shank
shovel Shovel
sledge-hammer Sledge Hammer
socom16 SOCOM16
sp-ar SP-AR
spas-12 SPAS-12
sr-25-ecc SR-25 ECC
survival Survival
syndicate-gun Syndicate Gun
t62-cew T62 Cew
tec-9 TEC-9
throwing-knife Throwing Knife
throwing-knife-gold Throwing Knife Gold
tracking-dart Tracking Dart
trench Trench
ump-45 UMP-45
ump-9 UMP-9
uzi UZI
zipline Zipline

Weapon categories#

This list contains all available objects of the weapon-category type.

URL Slug Message label
assault-rifles Assault Rifles
battle-rifle Battle Rifles
blunt-melees Blunt Melee Weapons
bolt-action-snipers Bolt Action Sniper Rifles
carbines Carbines
gadgets Gadgets
grenades Grenades
heavy-pistols Heavy Pistols
machine-pistols Machine Pistols
pistols Pistols
revolvers Revolvers
semi-auto-snipers Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifles
sharp-melees Sharp Melee Weapons
shotguns Shotguns
smgs-pdws SMGs/PDWs
special Special


This list contains all available objects of the vehicle type.

URL Slug Message label
airboat Airboat
armored-rescue-vehicle Armored Rescue Vehicle
armored-suv Armored Suv
dirtbike Dirtbike
executive-helicopter Executive Helicopter
fuel-tanker Fuel Tanker
fuel-tanker1 Fuel Tanker
hardened-attack-truck Hardened Attack Truck
hearse Hearse
heavy-duty-truck Heavy Duty Truck
import-tuner Import Tuner
import-tuner1 Import Tuner
inshore-patrol-vessel Inshore Patrol Vessel
intervention-suv Intervention Suv
limo Limo
limo1 Limo
low-rider Low Rider
luxury-coupe Luxury Coupe
luxury-coupe1 Luxury Coupe
luxury-coupe2 Luxury Coupe
mobile-command-post Mobile Command Post
muscle-car Muscle Car
muscle-car1 Muscle Car
offroad-patrol-bike Offroad Patrol Bike
patrol-helicopter Patrol Helicopter
performance-sedan Performance Sedan
pickup-truck Pickup Truck
pickup-truck1 Pickup Truck
police-interceptor Police Interceptor
police-motorcycle Police Motorcycle
police-truck Police Truck
pursuit-helicopter Pursuit Helicopter
response-helicopter Response Helicopter
rogue-chopper Rogue Chopper
semi-truck Semi-truck
smuggler-s-boat Smuggler's Boat
snowmobile Snowmobile
sports-sedan Sports Sedan
sports-sedan1 Sports Sedan
squad-car Squad Car
street-bike Street Bike
street-bike1 Street Bike
syndicate-crew-cab Syndicate Crew Cab
transport-helicopter Transport Helicopter
utility-van Utility Van
utility-van1 Utility Van

Vehicle categories#

This list contains all available objects of the vehicle-category type.

URL Slug Message label
attack-helis Attack Helicopters
civilian-vehicles Civilian Vehicles
counter-attack-trucks Counter Attack Trucks
coupes Coupes
gun-boats Gun Boats
mobile-spawn-points Mobile Spawn Points
offroad-motorcycles Offroad Motorcycles
pickup-trucks Pickup Trucks
scout-helis Scout Helicopters
sedans Sedans
street-motorcycles Street Motorcycles
suvs SUVs
transport-helis Transport Helicopters

Live source#

The live source is available at

Supported platforms Supported types Identifiers
pc players {{playerName}}


Template name Content
deaths {{{name}}} has died {{value}} times so far this round
kd {{{name}}} currently has a k/d of {{value.kills}}/{{value.deaths}}
kills {{{name}}} has {{value}} kills so far
map The current map is: {{{value}}}
ping {{{name}}} currently plays with {{value}}ms ping
score {{{name}}} currently has {{value}} points
server {{{name}}} currently plays on: {{{}}} ({{value.guid}})
summary {{{name}}} currently has {{value.score}} points, {{value.kills}} kills, died {{value.deaths}} times and plays with {{}}ms ping
Template name Content
deaths {{{name}}} ist in dieser Runde bisher {{value}} mal gestorben
kd {{{name}}} hat aktuell eine k/d von {{value.kills}}/{{value.deaths}}
kills {{{name}}} hat bisher {{value}} Gegner eliminiert
map Die aktuelle Karte ist: {{{value}}}
ping {{{name}}} spielt aktuell mit {{value}}ms Ping
score {{{name}}} hat aktuell {{value}} Punkte
server {{{name}}} spielt gerade auf: {{{}}} ({{value.guid}})
summary {{{name}}} hat aktuell {{value.score}} Punkte, hat {{value.kills}} Gegner eliminiert, ist {{value.deaths}} mal gestorben und spielt mit {{}}ms Ping
Template name Content
deaths {{{name}}} ha muerto {{value}} veces hasta ahora esta ronda
kd {{{name}}} tiene actualmente un k/d de {{value.kills}}/{{value.deaths}}
kills {{{name}}} tiene {{value}} muertes hasta ahora
map El mapa actual es: {{{value}}}
ping {{{name}}} juega actualmente con {{value}}ms ping
score {{{name}}} tiene actualmente {{value}} puntos
server {{{name}}} se reproduce actualmente en: {{{}}} ({{value.guid}})
summary {{{name}}} tiene actualmente {{value.score}} puntos, {{value.kills}} muertes, murió {{value.deaths}} veces y juega con {{}}ms ping
Template name Content
deaths {{{name}}} est mort {{value}} fois jusqu'à présent ce tour
kd {{{name}}} a actuellement un k/d de {{value.kills}}/{{value.deaths}}
kills {{{name}}} a {{value}} tue jusqu'à présent
map La carte actuelle est: {{{value}}}
ping {{{name}}} joue actuellement avec {{value}}ms ping
score {{{name}}} a actuellement {{value}} points
server {{{name}}} joue actuellement sur: {{{}}} ({{value.guid}})
summary {{{name}}} a actuellement {{value.score}} points, {{value.kills}} tue, est mort {{value.deaths}} fois et joue avec {{}}ms ping
Template name Content
deaths {{{name}}} è morto {{value}} volte finora in questo round
kd {{{name}}} attualmente ha un k/d di {{value.kills}}/{{value.deaths}}
kills {{{name}}} ha {{value}} uccisioni finora
map La mappa attuale è: {{{value}}}
ping {{{name}}} attualmente gioca con {{value}}ms ping
score {{{name}}} attualmente ha {{value}} punti
server {{{name}}} attualmente gioca su: {{{}}} ({{value.guid}})
summary {{{name}}} attualmente ha {{value.score}} punti, {{value.kills}} uccide, è morto {{value.deaths}} volte e gioca con {{}}ms ping
Template name Content
deaths {{{name}}} morreu {{value}} vezes até agora nesta rodada
kd {{{name}}} atualmente tem um k/d de {{value.kills}}/{{value.deaths}}
kills {{{name}}} tem {{value}} mata até agora
map O mapa atual é: {{{value}}}
ping {{{name}}} atualmente joga com {{value}}ms ping
score {{{name}}} atualmente tem {{value}} pontos
server {{{name}}} atualmente joga em: {{{}}} ({{value.guid}})
summary {{{name}}} atualmente tem {{value.score}} pontos, {{value.kills}} mata, morreu {{value.deaths}} vezes e joga com {{}}ms ping

Finding your player id#

You can find your player id on Battlelog or using "What's my pid?".

Using "What's my pid?"#

Go to Select Battlefield Hardline, select your platform and enter your in-game name. Click "Look it up" and copy the numeric pid you get back.

Using Battlelog#

Open your soldier's page on Battlelog. Look at the url bar in your browser, it should show a URL similar to The number behind stats/ is your player id.