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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

For Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, we currently offer message templates based on the following sources:

  • Tracker Network/stats: Overall player statistics
  • FACEIT Data API/faceit: Overall player stats for CS:GO matches on FACEIT

You can find more info about sources here.

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Stats source#

The stats source is available at

Supported platforms Supported types Identifiers
steam players {{playerId}}:{{playerName}}

PC/Steam players need to provide their SteamID as playerId, ideally their SteamID64. You can find details on how to find your SteamID id here. If you already set up a custom URL for your account, you can convert the custom URL name to your SteamID64 using this tool. Please note that the "Game details" section of your Steam profile has to be public. If it is set to private, we will not be able to retrieve your stats. Details about your profile's privacy settings can be found here.


General statistics#

These templates cover a player's lifetime statistics across all maps.

Template name Content
_link You can find a more detailed overview of {{{name}}}'s stats here: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} has an overall accuracy of {{value.accuracy}}%
hours {{{name}}} played CS:GO for a total of {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} has an overall k/d ratio of {{value.kdRatio}}
kills {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} enemies
summary-short-a {{{name}}}'s CS:GO stats: {{value.totalMatches}} matches played, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% headshot kills, {{value.accuracy}}% accuracy, {{value.winRate}}% win rate, {{value.mvpRounds}} MVP rounds
Template name Content
_link Eine detailliertere Übersicht über {{{name}}}s Statistiken findest Du hier: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}}s Treffsicherheit liegt insgesamt bei {{value.accuracy}}%
hours {{{name}}} hat insgesamt {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m lang CS:GO gespielt
kd {{{name}}} hat insgesamt eine k/d von {{value.kdRatio}}
kills {{{name}}} hat {{value.kills}} Gegner getötet
summary-short-a {{{name}}}s CS:GO-Statistiken: {{value.totalMatches}} Spiele gespielt, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% Kopfschuss-Eliminierungen, {{value.accuracy}}% Genauigkeit, {{value.winRate}}% Gewinnrate, {{value.mvpRounds}} MVP Runden
Template name Content
_link Puedes encontrar una descripción más detallada de las estadísticas de {{{name}}} aquí: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} tiene una precisión global de {{value.accuracy}}%
hours {{{name}}} jugado CS:GO durante un total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} tiene una relación k/d global de {{value.kdRatio}}
kills {{{name}}} muertos {{value.kills}} enemigos
summary-short-a Estadísticas CS:GO de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partidos jugados, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% de muertes por disparos a la cabeza, {{value.accuracy}}% de precisión, {{value.winRate}}% de tasa de victorias, {{value.mvpRounds}} rondas de MVP
Template name Content
_link Vous trouverez ici un aperçu plus détaillé des statistiques de {{{name}}}: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} a une précision globale de {{value.accuracy}}%
hours {{{name}}} joué CS:GO pour un total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} a un rapport k/d global de {{value.kdRatio}}
kills {{{name}}} tué {{value.kills}} ennemis
summary-short-a Statistiques CS:GO de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} parties joués, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% de tirs dans la tête, {{value.accuracy}}% de précision, {{value.winRate}}% de taux de victoire, {{value.mvpRounds}} tours de MVP
Template name Content
_link Puoi trovare una panoramica più dettagliata delle statistiche di {{{name}}} qui: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} ha una precisione complessiva di {{value.accuracy}}%
hours {{{name}}} ha giocato CS:GO per un totale di {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} ha un rapporto k/d complessivo di {{value.kdRatio}}
kills {{{name}}} uccisi {{value.kills}} nemici
summary-short-a Statistiche CS:GO {{{label}}} di {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partite giocate, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% uccisioni con colpi alla testa, {{value.accuracy}}% accuratezza, {{value.winRate}}% tasso di vincita, {{value.mvpRounds}} turni di MVP
Template name Content
_link Você pode encontrar uma visão geral mais detalhada das estatísticas de {{{name}}} aqui: {{{value}}}
accuracy {{{name}}} tem uma precisão geral de {{value.accuracy}}%
hours {{{name}}} jogou CS:GO por um total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kd {{{name}}} tem uma relação k/d global de {{value.kdRatio}}
kills {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} inimigos
summary-short-a Estatísticas CS:GO de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partidas jogadas, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% de mortes de cabeça, {{value.accuracy}}% precisão, {{value.winRate}}% taxa de vitória, {{value.mvpRounds}} rodadas de MVP

Map statistics#

These templates cover a player's performance on a per-map basis. The templates are generic, please find a list of applicable maps below.

Template name Content
map-summary On {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} won {{value.wins}} of {{value.totalRounds}} rounds ({{value.winRate}}% win rate)
Template name Content
map-summary {{{name}}} hat auf {{{label}}} {{value.wins}} von {{value.totalRounds}} Runden gewonnen ({{value.winRate}}% Gewinnrate)
Template name Content
map-summary En {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} ganó {{value.wins}} de {{value.totalRounds}} rondas ({{value.winRate}}% de tasa de victorias)
Template name Content
map-summary Sur {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} a gagné {{value.wins}} des {{value.totalRounds}} rounds ({{value.winRate}}% de taux de victoire)
Template name Content
map-summary Su {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} ha vinto {{value.wins}} di {{value.totalRounds}} rounds ({{value.winRate}}% tasso di vincita)
Template name Content
map-summary Em {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} ganhou {{value.wins}} de {{value.totalRounds}} rondas ({{value.winRate}}% taxa de vitória)

Weapon statistics#

These templates cover a player's stats on a per-weapon basis. The templates are generic, please find a list of applicable weapons below.

Template name Content
weapon-summary Using the {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} killed {{value.kills}} enemies with {{value.accuracy}}% accuracy ({{value.shotsFired}} shots fired, {{value.shotsHit}} shots hit)
Template name Content
weapon-summary {{{name}}} hat mit der {{{label}}} insgesamt {{value.kills}} Gegner mit einer Treffgenauigkeit von {{value.accuracy}}% eleminiert ({{value.shotsFired}} Schüsse abgefeuert, {{value.shotsHit}} Treffer)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando el {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} mató a {{value.kills}} enemigos con {{value.accuracy}}% de precisión ({{value.shotsFired}} disparos disparados, {{value.shotsHit}} disparos golpeados)
Template name Content
weapon-summary En utilisant les {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} tués {{value.kills}} ennemis avec {{value.accuracy}} % de précision ({{value.shotsFired}} coups tirés, {{value.shotsHit}} coups de feu)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando i {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} uccisi {{value.kills}} nemici con {{value.accuracy}}% di accuratezza ({{value.shotsFired}} colpi sparati, {{value.shotsHit}} colpi colpiti)
Template name Content
weapon-summary Usando {{{label}}}, {{{name}}} matou {{value.kills}} inimigos com {{value.accuracy}}% de precisão ({{value.shotsFired}} tiros disparados, {{value.shotsHit}} tiros acertados)



This list contains all available objects of the map type.

URL Slug Message label
cs_assault Assault
cs_italy Italy
cs_militia Militia
cs_office Office
de_cbble Cobblestone
de_dust2 Dust 2
de_inferno Inferno
de_nuke Nuke
de_train Train
de_vertigo Vertigo


This list contains all available objects of the weapon type.

URL Slug Message label
ak47 AK-47
aug AUG
awp AWP
bizon PP-Bizon
deagle Desert Eagle
elite Dual Berettas
famas FAMAS
fiveseven Five-SeveN
g3sg1 G3SG1
galilar Galil AR
glock Glock-18
m249 M249
m4a4 M4A4
mac10 MAC-10
mag7 MAG-7
mp5sd MP5-SD
mp7 MP7
mp9 MP9
negev Negev
nova Nova
p2000 P2000
p250 P250
p90 P90
sawedoff Sawed-Off
scar20 SCAR-20
sg553 SG 553
ssg08 SSG 08
taser Zeus x27
tec9 Tec-9
ump45 UMP-45
xm1014 XM1014

FACEIT source#

The faceit source is available at

Supported platforms Supported types Identifiers
steam players {{playerName}}


General statistics#

These templates cover a player's stats across all maps.

Template name Content
_link You can find a more detailed overview of {{{name}}}'s stats here: {{{value}}}
elo {{{name}}}'s current FACEIT CS:GO elo is: {{value.faceit_elo}} ({{value.region}} region)
elo-skill {{{name}}}'s current FACEIT CS:GO elo is: {{value.faceit_elo}} (skill level {{value.skill_level}}, {{value.region}} region)
recent-results {{{name}}} won {{value.recentWins}} of {{value.recentMatches}} recent FACEIT CS:GO matches ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level {{{name}}}'s current FACEIT CS:GO skill level is: {{value.skill_level}} ({{value.region}} region)
summary-short-a {{{name}}}'s FACEIT CS:GO stats: {{value.totalMatches}} matches played, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% headshots, {{value.winRate}}% win rate, won {{value.recentWins}} of {{value.recentMatches}} recent matches ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Eine detailliertere Übersicht über {{{name}}}s Statistiken findest Du hier: {{{value}}}
elo {{{name}}}s aktuelle FACEIT CS:GO elo ist: {{value.faceit_elo}} ({{value.region}} Region)
elo-skill {{{name}}}s aktuelle FACEIT CS:GO elo ist: {{value.faceit_elo}} (Skilllevel {{value.skill_level}}, {{value.region}} Region)
recent-results {{{name}}} hat {{value.recentWins}} von {{value.recentMatches}} kürzlich gespielten FACEIT CS:GO Spielen gewonnen ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level {{{name}}}s aktuelles FACEIT CS:GO Skilllevel ist: {{value.skill_level}} ({{value.region}} Region)
summary-short-a {{{name}}}s FACEIT CS:GO-Statistiken: {{value.totalMatches}} Spiele gespielt, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% Kopfschüsse, {{value.winRate}}% Gewinnrate, gewann {{value.recentWins}} von {{value.recentMatches}} zuletzt gespielten Spielen ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Puedes encontrar una descripción más detallada de las estadísticas de {{{name}}} aquí: {{{value}}}
elo El FACEIT CS:GO elo actual de {{{name}}} es: {{value.faceit_elo}} ({{value.region}} región)
elo-skill El FACEIT CS:GO elo actual de {{{name}}} es: {{value.faceit_elo}} (nivel de habilidad {{value.skill_level}}, {{value.region}} región)
recent-results {{{name}}} ha ganado {{value.recentWins}} de {{value.recentMatches}} partidos recientes de FACEIT CS:GO ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level El nivel actual de habilidad FACEIT CS:GO de {{{name}}} es: {{value.skill_level}} ({{value.region}} región)
summary-short-a Estadísticas FACEIT CS:GO de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partidas jugadas, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% de disparos a la cabeza, {{value.winRate}}% de tasa de victorias, ganó {{value.recentWins}} de {{value.recentMatches}} partidos recientes ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Vous trouverez ici un aperçu plus détaillé des statistiques de {{{name}}}: {{{value}}}
elo Le FACEIT CS:GO elo actuel de {{{name}}} est: {{value.faceit_elo}} (région {{value.region}})
elo-skill Le FACEIT CS:GO elo actuel de {{{name}}} est: {{value.faceit_elo}} (niveau de compétence {{value.skill_level}}, région {{value.region}})
recent-results {{{name}}} a gagné {{value.recentWins}} sur {{value.recentMatches}} derniers matchs FACEIT CS:GO ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level Le niveau actuel de compétence FACEIT CS:GO de {{{name}}} est: {{value.skill_level}} (région {{value.region}})
summary-short-a Statistiques FACEIT CS:GO de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} parties joués, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% de headshots, {{value.winRate}}% de taux de victoire, gagné {{value.recentWins}} sur {{value.recentMatches}} matchs récents ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Puoi trovare una panoramica più dettagliata delle statistiche di {{{name}}} qui: {{{value}}}
elo Il FACEIT CS:GO elo attuale di {{{name}}} è: {{value.faceit_elo}} (regione {{value.region}})
elo-skill Il FACEIT CS:GO elo attuale di {{{name}}} è: {{value.faceit_elo}} (livello di abilità {{value.skill_level}}, regione {{value.region}})
recent-results {{{name}}} ha vinto {{value.recentWins}} di {{value.recentMatches}} partite recenti di FACEIT CS:GO ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level Il FACEIT CS:GO livello attuale di abilità di {{{name}}} è: {{value.skill_level}} (regione {{value.region}})
summary-short-a Statistiche FACEIT CS:GO di {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partite giocate, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% colpi alla testa, {{value.winRate}}% tasso di vincita, ha vinto {{value.recentWins}} di {{value.recentMatches}} partite recenti ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Você pode encontrar uma visão geral mais detalhada das estatísticas de {{{name}}} aqui: {{{value}}}
elo {{{name}}} atual FACEIT CS:GO elo é: {{value.faceit_elo}} ({{value.region}} região)
elo-skill {{{name}}} atual FACEIT CS:GO elo é: {{value.faceit_elo}} (nível de habilidade {{value.skill_level}}, {{value.region}} região)
recent-results {{{name}}} ganhou {{value.recentWins}} de {{value.recentMatches}} correspondências recentes do FACEIT CS:GO ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level O nível atual de habilidade FACEIT CS:GO do {{{name}}} é: {{value.skill_level}} ({{value.region}} região)
summary-short-a Estatísticas FACEIT CS:GO de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partidas jogadas, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.hsRate}}% headshots, {{value.winRate}}% taxa de vitórias, ganhou {{value.recentWins}} de {{value.recentMatches}} jogos recentes ({{value.recentResults}})

Map statistics#

These templates cover a player's stats for each map. The templates are generic, please find a list of applicable maps below.

Template name Content
summary-short-map {{{name}}}'s FACEIT CS:GO stats on {{{label}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} matches played, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.kdaRatio}} KDA, {{value.hsRate}}% headshots, {{value.mvpRate}} MVP rounds per match, {{value.winRate}}% win rate
Template name Content
summary-short-map {{{name}}}s FACEIT CS:GO-Statistiken auf {{{label}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} Spiele gespielte, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.kdaRatio}} KDA, {{value.hsRate}}% Kopfschüsse, {{value.mvpRate}} MVP Runden pro Spiel, {{value.winRate}}% Gewinnrate
Template name Content
summary-short-map Estadísticas FACEIT CS:GO de {{{name}}} en {{{label}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partidas jugadas, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.kdaRatio}} KDA, {{value.hsRate}}% de disparos a la cabeza, {{value.mvpRate}} rondas de MVP por partido, {{value.winRate}}% de tasa de victorias
Template name Content
summary-short-map Statistiques FACEIT CS:GO de {{{name}}} sur {{{label}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} matchs joués, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.kdaRatio}} KDA, {{value.hsRate}}% de headshots, {{value.mvpRate}} tours de MVP par match, {{value.winRate}}% de taux de victoire
Template name Content
summary-short-map Statistiche FACEIT CS:GO di {{{name}}} su {{{label}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partite giocate, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.kdaRatio}} KDA, {{value.hsRate}}% colpi alla testa, {{value.mvpRate}} turni di MVP per partita, {{value.winRate}}% tasso di vincita
Template name Content
summary-short-map As estatísticas FACEIT CS:GO {{{name}}} em {{{label}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partidas jogadas, {{value.kdRatio}} K/D, {{value.kdaRatio}} KDA, {{value.hsRate}}% headshots, {{value.mvpRate}} rodadas de MVP por partida, {{value.winRate}}% taxa de vitória


The following object types and objects are available for the faceit source generic templates.


This list contains all available objects of the map type.

URL Slug Message label
de_ancient Ancient
de_cache Cache
de_canals Canals
de_cbble Cobblestone
de_dust2 Dust 2
de_inferno Inferno
de_mirage Mirage
de_nuke Nuke
de_overpass Overpass
de_train Train
de_vertigo Vertigo