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Dota 2

For Dota 2, we currently offer message templates based on the following sources:

  • OpenDota/stats: Overall player statistics, including statistics per hero
  • FACEIT Data API/faceit: Overall player stats for Dota 2 matches on FACEIT

You can find more info about sources here.

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Stats source#

The stats source is available at

Supported platforms Supported types Identifiers
steam players {{playerId}}:{{playerName}}

You can find details on how to find your player id below.


General statistics#

Template name Content
_link You can find a more detailed overview of {{{name}}}'s stats here: {{{value}}}
hours {{{name}}} played {{game}} for a total of {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kills {{{name}}} killed {{value.sum}} enemies
leaderboard-position {{{name}}} currently is #{{value}} on the leaderboard
rank {{{name}}}'s current rank is: {{value}}
win-loss In total, {{{name}}} has won {{}} games while losing {{value.lose}} ({{value.winRate}}% win rate)
Template name Content
_link Eine detailliertere Übersicht über {{{name}}}s Statistiken findest Du hier: {{{value}}}
hours {{{name}}} hat insgesamt {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m lang {{game}} gespielt
kills {{{name}}} hat {{value.sum}} Gegner getötet
leaderboard-position {{{name}}} ist aktuell Platz {{value}} auf der Rangliste
rank {{{name}}}s aktueller Rang ist: {{value}}
win-loss {{{name}}} hat insgesamt {{}} Spiele gewonnen und {{value.lose}} verloren ({{value.winRate}}% Gewinnrate)
Template name Content
_link Puedes encontrar una descripción más detallada de las estadísticas de {{{name}}} aquí: {{{value}}}
hours {{{name}}} jugado {{game}} durante un total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kills {{{name}}} muertos {{value.sum}} enemigos
leaderboard-position {{{name}}} es actualmente el número {{value}} en la tabla de clasificación
rank El rango actual de {{{name}}} es: {{value}}
win-loss En total, {{{name}}} ha ganado {{}} partidas al perder {{value.lose}} ({{value.winRate}}% de tasa de victorias)
Template name Content
_link Vous trouverez ici un aperçu plus détaillé des statistiques de {{{name}}}: {{{value}}}
hours {{{name}}} joué {{game}} pour un total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kills {{{name}}} tué {{value.sum}} ennemis
leaderboard-position {{{name}}} est actuellement numéro {{value}} dans le classement
rank Le rang actuel de {{{name}}} est: {{value}}
win-loss Au total, {{{name}}} a gagné {{}} parties tout en perdant {{value.lose}} ({{value.winRate}} taux de victoire %)
Template name Content
_link Puoi trovare una panoramica più dettagliata delle statistiche di {{{name}}} qui: {{{value}}}
hours {{{name}}} ha giocato {{game}} per un totale di {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kills {{{name}}} uccisi {{value.sum}} nemici
leaderboard-position {{{name}}} attualmente è il numero {{value}} in classifica
rank {{{name}}}s rango attuale è: {{value}}
win-loss In totale, {{{name}}} ha vinto {{}} partite perdendo {{value.lose}} ({{value.winRate}}% tasso di vincita)
Template name Content
_link Você pode encontrar uma visão geral mais detalhada das estatísticas de {{{name}}} aqui: {{{value}}}
hours {{{name}}} jogou {{game}} por um total de {{value.hoursPlayed}}h {{value.minutesPlayed}}m
kills {{{name}}} matou {{value.sum}} inimigos
leaderboard-position {{{name}}} é actualmente #{{value}} na tabela de liderança
rank {{{name}}} A classificação atual do {{{name}}} é: {{value}}
win-loss No total, {{{name}}} ganhou {{}} jogos enquanto perde {{value.lose}} ({{value.winRate}}% taxa de vitória)

Hero statistics#

These templates are generic, please find a list of applicable vehicles below.

Template name Content
hero-games-overall {{{name}}} played {{}} games as {{{label}}}, won {{}} ({{value.winRate}}% win rate)
Template name Content
hero-games-overall {{{name}}} hat {{}} Spiele als {{{label}}} gespielt, {{}} gewonnen ({{value.winRate}}% Gewinnrate)
Template name Content
hero-games-overall {{{name}}} jugó {{}} partidas como {{{label}}}, ganó {{}} ({{value.winRate}}% de tasa de victorias)
Template name Content
hero-games-overall {{{name}}} a joué {{}} parties en tant que {{{label}}}, gagné {{}} ({{value.winRate}} taux de victoire %)
Template name Content
hero-games-overall {{{name}}} ha giocato {{}} partite come {{{label}}}, vinto {{}} ({{value.winRate}}% tasso di vincita)
Template name Content
hero-games-overall {{{name}}} jogou {{}} jogos como {{{label}}}, ganhou {{}} ({{value.winRate}}% taxa de vitória)



This list contains all available objects of the hero type.

URL Slug Message label
abaddon Abaddon
alchemist Alchemist
ancient-apparition Ancient Apparition
anti-mage Anti-Mage
arc-warden Arc Warden
axe Axe
bane Bane
batrider Batrider
beastmaster Beastmaster
bloodseeker Bloodseeker
bounty-hunter Bounty Hunter
brewmaster Brewmaster
bristleback Bristleback
broodmother Broodmother
centaur-warrunner Centaur Warrunner
chaos-knight Chaos Knight
chen Chen
clinkz Clinkz
clockwerk Clockwerk
crystal-maiden Crystal Maiden
dark-seer Dark Seer
dark-willow Dark Willow
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker
dazzle Dazzle
death-prophet Death Prophet
disruptor Disruptor
doom Doom
dragon-knight Dragon Knight
drow-ranger Drow Ranger
earth-spirit Earth Spirit
earthshaker Earthshaker
elder-titan Elder Titan
ember-spirit Ember Spirit
enchantress Enchantress
enigma Enigma
faceless-void Faceless Void
grimstroke Grimstroke
gyrocopter Gyrocopter
hoodwink Hoodwink
huskar Huskar
invoker Invoker
io Io
jakiro Jakiro
juggernaut Juggernaut
keeper-of-the-light Keeper of the Light
kunkka Kunkka
legion-commander Legion Commander
leshrac Leshrac
lich Lich
lifestealer Lifestealer
lina Lina
lion Lion
lone-druid Lone Druid
luna Luna
lycan Lycan
magnus Magnus
marci Marci
mars Mars
medusa Medusa
meepo Meepo
mirana Mirana
monkey-king Monkey King
morphling Morphling
muerta Muerta
naga-siren Naga Siren
natures-prophet Nature's Prophet
necrophos Necrophos
night-stalker Night Stalker
nyx-assassin Nyx Assassin
ogre-magi Ogre Magi
omniknight Omniknight
oracle Oracle
outworld-destroyer Outworld Destroyer
pangolier Pangolier
phantom-assassin Phantom Assassin
phantom-lancer Phantom Lancer
phoenix Phoenix
primal-beast Primal Beast
puck Puck
pudge Pudge
pugna Pugna
queen-of-pain Queen of Pain
razor Razor
riki Riki
rubick Rubick
sand-king Sand King
shadow-demon Shadow Demon
shadow-fiend Shadow Fiend
shadow-shaman Shadow Shaman
silencer Silencer
skywrath-mage Skywrath Mage
slardar Slardar
slark Slark
snapfire Snapfire
sniper Sniper
spectre Spectre
spirit-breaker Spirit Breaker
storm-spirit Storm Spirit
sven Sven
techies Techies
templar-assassin Templar Assassin
terrorblade Terrorblade
tidehunter Tidehunter
timbersaw Timbersaw
tinker Tinker
tiny Tiny
treant-protector Treant Protector
troll-warlord Troll Warlord
tusk Tusk
underlord Underlord
undying Undying
ursa Ursa
vengeful-spirit Vengeful Spirit
venomancer Venomancer
viper Viper
visage Visage
void-spirit Void Spirit
warlock Warlock
weaver Weaver
windranger Windranger
winter-wyvern Winter Wyvern
witch-doctor Witch Doctor
wraith-king Wraith King
zeus Zeus

FACEIT source#

The faceit source is available at

Supported platforms Supported types Identifiers
steam players {{playerName}}


General statistics#

Template name Content
_link You can find a more detailed overview of {{{name}}}'s stats here: {{{value}}}
elo {{{name}}}'s current FACEIT Dota 2 elo is: {{value.faceit_elo}} ({{value.region}} region)
elo-skill {{{name}}}'s current FACEIT Dota 2 elo is: {{value.faceit_elo}} (skill level {{value.skill_level}}, {{value.region}} region)
recent-results {{{name}}} won {{value.recentWins}} of {{value.recentMatches}} recent FACEIT Dota 2 matches ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level {{{name}}}'s current FACEIT Dota 2 skill level is: {{value.skill_level}} ({{value.region}} region)
summary-short-a {{{name}}}'s FACEIT Dota 2 stats: {{value.totalMatches}} matches played, {{value.gpm}} GPM, {{value.winRate}}% win rate, won {{value.recentWins}} of {{value.recentMatches}} recent matches ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Eine detailliertere Übersicht über {{{name}}}s Statistiken findest Du hier: {{{value}}}
elo {{{name}}}s aktuelle FACEIT Dota 2 elo ist: {{value.faceit_elo}} ({{value.region}} Region)
elo-skill {{{name}}}s aktuelle FACEIT Dota 2 elo ist: {{value.faceit_elo}} (Skilllevel {{value.skill_level}}, {{value.region}} Region)
recent-results {{{name}}} hat {{value.recentWins}} von {{value.recentMatches}} kürzlich gespielten FACEIT Dota 2 Spielen gewonnen ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level {{{name}}}s aktuelles FACEIT Dota 2 Skilllevel ist: {{value.skill_level}} ({{value.region}} Region)
summary-short-a {{{name}}}s FACEIT Dota 2-Statistiken: {{value.totalMatches}} Spiele gespielt, {{value.gpm}} GPM, {{value.winRate}}% Gewinnrate, gewann {{value.recentWins}} von {{value.recentMatches}} zuletzt gespielten Spielen ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Puedes encontrar una descripción más detallada de las estadísticas de {{{name}}} aquí: {{{value}}}
elo El FACEIT Dota 2 elo actual de {{{name}}} es: {{value.faceit_elo}} ({{value.region}} región)
elo-skill El FACEIT Dota 2 elo actual de {{{name}}} es: {{value.faceit_elo}} (nivel de habilidad {{value.skill_level}}, {{value.region}} región)
recent-results {{{name}}} ha ganado {{value.recentWins}} de {{value.recentMatches}} partidos recientes de FACEIT Dota 2 ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level El nivel actual de habilidad FACEIT Dota 2 de {{{name}}} es: {{value.skill_level}} ({{value.region}} región)
summary-short-a Estadísticas FACEIT Dota 2 de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partidas jugadas, {{value.gpm}} GPM, {{value.winRate}}% de tasa de victorias, ganó {{value.recentWins}} de {{value.recentMatches}} partidos recientes ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Vous trouverez ici un aperçu plus détaillé des statistiques de {{{name}}}: {{{value}}}
elo Le FACEIT Dota 2 elo actuel de {{{name}}} est: {{value.faceit_elo}} (région {{value.region}})
elo-skill Le FACEIT Dota 2 elo actuel de {{{name}}} est: {{value.faceit_elo}} (niveau de compétence {{value.skill_level}}, région {{value.region}})
recent-results {{{name}}} a gagné {{value.recentWins}} sur {{value.recentMatches}} derniers matchs FACEIT Dota 2 ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level Le niveau actuel de compétence FACEIT Dota 2 de {{{name}}} est: {{value.skill_level}} (région {{value.region}})
summary-short-a Statistiques FACEIT Dota 2 de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} parties joués, {{value.gpm}} GPM, {{value.winRate}}% de taux de victoire, gagné {{value.recentWins}} sur {{value.recentMatches}} matchs récents ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Puoi trovare una panoramica più dettagliata delle statistiche di {{{name}}} qui: {{{value}}}
elo Il FACEIT Dota 2 elo attuale di {{{name}}} è: {{value.faceit_elo}} (regione {{value.region}})
elo-skill Il FACEIT Dota 2 elo attuale di {{{name}}} è: {{value.faceit_elo}} (livello di abilità {{value.skill_level}}, regione {{value.region}})
recent-results {{{name}}} ha vinto {{value.recentWins}} di {{value.recentMatches}} partite recenti di FACEIT Dota 2 ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level Il FACEIT Dota 2 livello attuale di abilità di {{{name}}} è: {{value.skill_level}} (regione {{value.region}})
summary-short-a Statistiche FACEIT Dota 2 di {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partite giocate, {{value.gpm}} GPM, {{value.winRate}}% tasso di vincita, ha vinto {{value.recentWins}} di {{value.recentMatches}} partite recenti ({{value.recentResults}})
Template name Content
_link Você pode encontrar uma visão geral mais detalhada das estatísticas de {{{name}}} aqui: {{{value}}}
elo {{{name}}} atual FACEIT Dota 2 elo é: {{value.faceit_elo}} ({{value.region}} região)
elo-skill {{{name}}} atual FACEIT Dota 2 elo é: {{value.faceit_elo}} (nível de habilidade {{value.skill_level}}, {{value.region}} região)
recent-results {{{name}}} ganhou {{value.recentWins}} de {{value.recentMatches}} correspondências recentes do FACEIT Dota 2 ({{value.recentResults}})
skill-level O nível atual de habilidade FACEIT Dota 2 do {{{name}}} é: {{value.skill_level}} ({{value.region}} região)
summary-short-a Estatísticas FACEIT Dota 2 de {{{name}}}: {{value.totalMatches}} partidas jogadas, {{value.gpm}} GPM, {{value.winRate}}% taxa de vitórias, ganhou {{value.recentWins}} de {{value.recentMatches}} jogos recentes ({{value.recentResults}})

Finding your player id#

You can find your player id on OpenDota or Dotabuff.

Please note: Your player id/account id is different from your SteamID.

Using OpenDota#

Open your profile on OpenDota. You can get to your profile page by:

  • logging in with Steam (button in top right corner, recommended)
  • using the search at the top right
  • visiting{your_steam_id} (replace {your_steam_id} with your SteamID)

Once on your profile page, look at the URL bar in your browser. It should show a URL similar to The number after players/ is your player id.

Using Dotabuff#

Open your profile on Dotabuff. You can get to your profile page by:

  • logging in with Steam (button in top right corner, recommended)
  • using the search at the top right
  • visiting{your_steam_id} (replace {your_steam_id} with your SteamID)

Once on your profile page, look at the URL bar in your browser. It should show a URL similar to https:// The number after players/ is your player id.